---------------------------------------------------------------- IT IS NECESSARY TO USE A DEVICE WITH WINDOWS OS 10 OR HIGHER ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Open the file "Instaladores" and wait for its execution. You will be asked to conceed permisions to install R and Python. At the end of the process, these programming languages will be installed in your device. 2. The file "Librerias" needs to be RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. The execution of this file will download and install the required R and Python packages to enable the visualization of the visual objects regarding the statistical analysis of seismic data in the VIDAS dashboard. 3. Download Microsoft Power BI Desktop directly from the Microsoft Store. (https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/power-platform/products/power-bi/downloads ) 4. Open the VIDAS.pbix file attached to the main folder. 5. Some pop-up windows will be displayed asking for activation of these features: - ENABLE SCRIPT VISUALS, by clicking on "Enable". This option allows the visualization of reports which generate from R and Python scripts. - ARCGIS MAPS FOR POWER BI, by clicking on "Accept". This option enables the ArcGIS map that shows the geographical distribution of seimsic events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. You may receive an error indicating that R or Python is not installed on your device. Check for the detected installation directories for each programming language as follows... For R: File > Options and Settings > Options > R scripting > Detected home directories For Python: File > Options and Settings > Options > Python scripting > Detected home directories When no installation directories are detected, you will need to SET A HOME DIRECTORY by clicking the "Browse" option and selecting the adequate path. Sofware are usually installed in the Local Disk (C:) C:\Program Files\R\R-4.4.1 C:\Program Files\Python311 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDAS.pbix IS NOW READY TO BE USED